Shipment to Syrian Hospitals via Israel

On November 15, our first shipment to Israel and Syria was loaded and trucked to Spokane. This shipment was arranged in partnership with Micah Smith of Global Gateway Network. This donation will go through Israel to two new maternity hospitals in war-stricken Syria. Women there are afraid to go to the hospital to have their babies because hospitals have been…

Merry Christmas from HoHNW Staff and Board

We are so thankful for you, our volunteers, donors, and supporters. You make this ministry happen! Only in heaven will we hear all the stories about the people whose lives were changed by receiving medical equipment. Doors for ministry are opened when people are shown love and compassion. At a time when many nonprofit executives are worrying that the latest tax law changes will cause their donors to…

2017 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Marika and her father, Scott, are two of our volunteers who volunteer faithfully every week in our Distribution Center – with a smile! Last night we honored over 200 volunteers like them who help to fulfill the mission of Hands of Hope NW. Our speaker was Dr. Rosie Kerr, who served on staff at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea….

Executive Director Position Opening in 2018

It is with a bit of sadness, but also joy, that I announce that I will be retiring in 2018. I have felt that I was called to this ministry, and love this job. Where else do you get to help so many people at a time in their life when they are sick or injured? The Board of Directors…

New Staff Member – Michael Conrad

We are happy to announce and introduce you to our latest staff member, Michael Conrad. In his role as International Shipping Coordinator, Michael will be handling the preparation of both large international shipments and mission trips. Michael comes to us with more than 20 years of experience in distribution. Michael is married to Damaris and has two children. He lives in Caldwell and attends Deer Flat Church. He…

Nampa Christian High Key Club Volunteers

A big thank you to the Nampa Christian High School Key Club members for coming and packing boxes. We were given a large amount of surgical drapes that needed to be counted and boxed. We love having youth and adult groups come and lend a hand. Please call 208-461-1473 and talk to Todd if you would like to schedule a time for…

Forever ID SW/ICF Support Community Foundation Grant

A grant of $2,500 was received from Forever Idaho Southwest through the Idaho Community Foundation for our Community Equipment Loan Program. These funds will be used to purchase equipment, repair parts, and cleaning supplies. We recently topped 1,000 pieces of equipment available for loan. We appreciate the Foundation’s support for this program which helps thousands of families each year!  

Philippine Shipment Finally Reaches Clinics

After six weeks on the ocean and another six weeks in customs, we are thrilled that our shipment was finally unloaded at Shalom Birthing Clinic and Rapha Clinic. Both of these clinics provide low cost medical care in a wonderful Christian environment. Shalom Birthing Clinic holds parenting classes and Bible studies, ministering to the whole family. “There is SO much…