Merry Christmas from HoHNW Staff and Board

We are so thankful for you, our volunteers, donors, and supporters. You make this ministry happen! Only in heaven will we hear all the stories about the people whose lives were changed by receiving medical equipment. Doors for ministry are opened when people are shown love and compassion.

At a time when many nonprofit executives are worrying that the latest tax law changes will cause their donors to stop giving, we are confidant that our supporters give not so much for a tax deduction, but because they love helping people. They want to be a part of a ministry that is not only impacting lives here on earth, but also for eternity. We invite you to go back and read our NEWSLETTERS for this year and see how much you have helped to transform lives around the globe! And watch our year in review VIDEO to see who you helped.

Your year-end gifts are vital to helping us meet our budget and taking us through the first few months of the new year. Thank you for doing what you can to bless people in the USA and around the globe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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