2014 Year in Review

January 2015 Newsletter 2014 was a year of change here at Hands of Hope NW, but a great year nonetheless. Although we didn’t ship as many 40-foot containers as we would have liked, we sent out nine partial shipments in partnerships with other organizations, with eight times the value of last year’s partial shipments. Normally, recipients pay their own shipping costs,…

Medical Mission News January 2015

Wings of the Eagle, Mexico Wings of the Eagle, a ministry headquartered in Nampa, supports a clinic near Ensenada, Mexico. Hands of Hope NW provides medical supplies as we are able to. We received this report from Pastors Frank and Detra: “We had a great clinic today. We started at 9am and the doctor saw the last patient at 3….

Community News January 2015

Hope House loads donation Volunteers came from Hope House in Marsing to load desks and chairs for their school. Hope House Home for Children began with a promise made by a little girl—herself abandoned and a victim of abuse, neglect and family dysfunction—who vowed that someday, she would make a home where children like herself could be loved and cared for. Hands…