New Office Admin – Janet Hascall

Janet Hascall has joined the HoHNW staff as our Office Administrator. Here’s her story in her own words:

“Greetings, I am Janet [Mathisen] Hascall. Just a little snippet about me and what brought me to Hands of Hope NW… I am a local gal, love Jesus and His Word!

In 2005, I was praying about going to Thailand to support the mission field, and as I was nearly ready to pack up my home (then in Boise), I got a call for a full-time paid job in a different kind of ministry; to every tongue, tribe and nation here in the United States—The Silicon Valley. I had done local and international volunteer work with Genesis World Mission and Expansion International, and my local church’s missions board. This, however, was an entirely different ministry – to the high tech, start-up world of people consumed with money, prestige and self-promotion. I worked as a start-up specialist in setting up offices, documentation, Executive support and many more hats that starting companies/ manufacturing & businesses require. I worked with brilliant PHD’s and laborers with English as their second language, many of whom often scoffed at my beliefs and faith in a God who heals, restores and saves—until their lives hit a crisis point, and then I had precious times to pray with them and share God’s peace, grace and love.

I had planned to move to the mountains of North Idaho in 2019, but God had other plans. He was directing me back home. Kathy Johnson sent out a group text to several of her friends about an opening here at HOHNW, my sister Laurie being one of them. I love how God uses us to “network” His will and direction. I am excited to meet the hands and feet that make this organization function. I hope that once I get a grasp of the office routine, I can soon make more time to get to know people.” – Janet Hascall

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