Guatemala News
We recently received this report from Alex Gálvez, our ministry partner with Transitions in Guatemala.
“Dear Todd and Hands of Hope team, good evening to you,
I hope that by the time you receive this email you and your family are in very good health and safe.
I tell you that here in Transitions we are already back working on programs to support the most vulnerable population with disabilities in Guatemala. We are working with community groups to identify wheelchair beneficiaries in their places of residence.
We reach the communities with our team of technicians and clinicians with wheelchairs already ready only to adjust to the size of the people, most of them children. We have a new clinic team working on evaluations in advance of each of them to make sure that the chairs are the most appropriate.
We have several communities waiting for wheelchairs, canes, crutches and leg prostheses.
Blessings and stay safe.
Alexander Gálvez
Director Ejecutivo
Asociación Transiciones de Personas con
Discapacidad de La Antigua Guatemala”