Giving Tuesday: Diaper Drive for Syrians

The Syrian conflict may be out of the headlines, but the Syrian people are still suffering! We want to meet the urgent needs of Syrians who have fled violence within their country, with the help of our NGO partners in the region. Micah Smith of Global Gateway Network requested another shipment of medical equipment and supplies and urgently-needed diapers. Throughout November…

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 6:00pm at College Church of the Nazarene in Nampa. Please RSVP by December 4th by calling our office. We thank you for all your hard work serving others and look forward to spending a fun evening with you and a guest.

Director’s Note: November 2018

The hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season is upon us. During this time of year our Community Medical Equipment Loan Program inventory runs low as people elect to have surgeries near the end of the year. Please call the office a few weeks before you need to borrow medical equipment so we can get you on a wait list….

Parking Lot Update

We are excited to tell you that as of November 19th the pavement has been installed. Striping and final touches will be next and the parking lot should be open by December 1st. The 20 foot area from South Powerline to the parking lot has been hydro seeded and two new trees planted—please do not park on this seeded area. The…

Christian Leprosy Hospital, Myanmar

We received a note from a local man who took medical supplies from HoHNW to Myanmar, from where he fled persecution years ago. Lerlah Pe helps the Christian Leprosy Hospital there in honor of his father who was a leper. He says: “Lepers are outcasts of society and they are forgotten people too. I myself forgot to help them for…