May Director’s Note – Annie’s Clinic Now Open!

Last  year on Idaho Gives Day we asked you to partner with us to send medical supplies to Annie Gorman’s Clinic in rural Ghana. I am happy to announce that the clinic opened on April 21, 2016! Joe Gorman writes, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow! After four years of praying, planning, fundraising, building, and educating our own medical staff,…

Angels for Nigeria

Our fourth international shipment of the year went out to a Nigerian hospital on April 21. Pastor Felix Fetula writes, “You are all Angels on earth to wipe away tears of thousands who are denied access to basic medical support in the rural areas of Nigeria. Only God can reward you all. My heart is full of joy for the…

Eat at Nampa Del Taco, Sunday, May 22

Eat out to change lives! The spotlight is on you, this month! This is a great opportunity to give back to your community and to communities overseas that need health care. This coming Sunday, May 22nd, plan to eat out with family and friends at Del Taco on 12th Ave in Nampa, and 20% of your purchase will be donated to…