May Director’s Note – Annie’s Clinic Now Open!

May - Debbie with fundraising thermometer
May 2015 Idaho Gives Day

Last  year on Idaho Gives Day we asked you to partner with us to send medical supplies to Annie Gorman’s Clinic in rural Ghana. I am happy to announce that the clinic opened on April 21, 2016!

School Children Unloading
School Children Unloading

Joe Gorman writes, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow! After four years of praying, planning, fundraising, building, and educating our own medical staff, the Annie Gorman Medical Clinic is now providing medical services. We’ve come a long way, but still have a long journey ahead of us. Continue to pray with us that we can be the eyes, ears, hands, and feet of Christ to the Namankwan, Ghana community. . .”

Apr -Ghana nurses (2)
Nurses in Training for New Clinic
Apr - Clinic complete (2)
New Clinic Open for Business

Part of our mission at HoHNW is to assist the ministries of others. We feel so blessed by our partnership with Compassion for Africa as together we care for mothers, children, and others in rural Ghana!

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