Planning Giving / Endowment Fund

Did you know that you can donate to HOHNW directly from your IRA and not have to count the distribution as income? You can instruct your IRA trustee to make the contribution directly to HOHNW. Donors who may benefit are individuals whose charitable contributions are reduced by the percentage of income limitation. You can work with your professional adviser to…

Truck arrives in Ghana at Annie’s Clinic

Praise the Lord that the shipment to Ghana was released from customs and all the money needed to pay for the extra storage and taxes was received! The truck arrived safely at Annie’s Medical Clinic in Namankwan, northeast Ghana, and was unloaded by Pastor Frank Mills and his team of helpers including local school children. Pastor Frank, featured in the photo, needs…

February 2016 Spotlight – Participating Churches

  Each month four churches make a regular contribution as part of their missions budget: College Church of the Nazarene Eagle Church of the Nazarene Deer Flat Church Oregon Trail Church of God Plus, at least half a dozen churches contribute annually or every few months. If your church is not a regular supporter, why not mention the ministry of…

PNG, South Sudan, Boise Home blessed by HOHNW

After a month of very little going out the door, the first week of February was incredibly busy! First we sent a pallet of supplies that is headed to a clinic in South Sudan. The same day our truck delivered twenty-five mattresses and ninety-three boxes of blankets to the Good Samaritan Home in Boise. This home provides housing to seniors, veterans, and…

Director’s Note – February 2016

We see the Lord’s hand on this ministry so often! I am thankful that He cares about the needs of each person. I am also thankful for each of you. Please be praying for these specific prayer pointers, as you think about the ministry. Pray that we will make connections with more mission organizations in need of medical supplies. Pray…

Part-time Office Assistant Needed

*** THIS POSITION HAS NOW BEEN FILLED *** Hands of Hope NW has a job opening for a part-time Office Assistant. Hours are: Monday, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., and Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.  Applicant must be proficient in using Microsoft Office Products and able to learn other software programs quickly. Please click links below for the job description and application form, or pick…