Idaho Gives Day May 7 Ghana Shipment

Give to Annie’s Clinic     Hear Annie’s Story This year for Idaho Gives Day, on May 7, we’re raising funds to ship medical equipment and supplies to outfit the brand new Annie Gorman Medical Clinic in Africa. The clinic is located in Namankwan in NE Ghana, a remote area that previously had no access to medical care for miles. The new…

1,100 local families helped in 12 months

In April, 2015, Hands of Hope Northwest provided equipment to local churches and schools, testing supplies to diabetic children, and very needed equipment for individuals who could not afford to purchase it. The Marsing Ambulance Service referred an individual being cared for at home who needed equipment that cost thousands of dollars to purchase. We were happy to be able…

Crisis Care Kits to the Philippines

On Monday, April 6, 2015, staff and volunteers loaded a truckload of Crisis Care Kits (CCKs) bound for the Philippines. Thanks Mark, Kyle, Larry M., Larry D., and Don B. for all your hard work to make this happen. When typhoons hit in the Pacific region, the CCKs will already be near the locations that need them!