1,100 local families helped in 12 months
In April, 2015, Hands of Hope Northwest provided equipment to local churches and schools, testing supplies to diabetic children, and very needed equipment for individuals who could not afford to purchase it. The Marsing Ambulance Service referred an individual being cared for at home who needed equipment that cost thousands of dollars to purchase. We were happy to be able to provide the family with the equipment. It will make their lives much easier.
Through our local Medical Equipment Loan Program, in 2014 an average of 907 of pieces of equipment were out on loan any given month, numbering 3,010 annual equipment transactions. And in the last twelve months alone, we have assisted more than 1,100 families, providing a benefit of more than $600,000. Over a ten-year period, the total value amounts to over $3,000,000! Many of these families would have had much different medical outcomes were it not for the ministry of Hands of Hope Northwest and for the concern and care of supporters like you.