Tacloban Clinic Refit: Philippines

Midwife in Philippines

I’m so happy to receive all these things. Thank you so much.”

Midwife Nerissa Cumpio

“We can never thank you enough for sending this equipment that helped to stock and furnish the maternity clinic and birthing home that we rebuilt in the disaster zone in the Philippines. These are pictures from the midwife who received them. She is blessing God and sending prayers to heaven to thank Him for you and your generosity.  Seriously, your ministry really made a big win for the Kingdom with this one. Thanks again for contacting me and helping make this happen.

Vicki Penwell, Founder, Mercy In Action Philippines

Vicki and midwife, Rose Penwell, visited our warehouse and we captured this video.


Unloading in Tacloban (2)    Midwife with equipment    Rose and team    Mercy in Action visits Warehouse

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