Supplies to Papua New Guinea

Jan - PNG Ship unloading (2)The first supplies sent by Hands of Hope NW to Youth With a Mission (YWAM) for their medical ships has arrived in Papua New Guinea (PNG). YWAM’s ships travel to some of the most remote areas on earth, many with no roads or airstrips. Not only will the people there receive medical and dental care, they will also hear the good news of Jesus Christ for the first time.

Jon Hausserman of YWAM writes, “Thank you so much for blessing us and the people of PNG with these supplies.” Click YWAM Ships to read stories and see photos of YWAM innovative dental clinics in PNG and the loading of the 10,000 pairs of glasses from Restoring Vision included in our shipment. Here’s another thank-you note.

I was really impressed by the quality of the products we received from Hands of Hope and with the professional way that your itemization was done. Jon and I went through a lot of reading glasses/sunglasses and medical supplies thinking about how much they will add to our out-reaches in Papua New Guinea and the Marshall Islands later this year. You guys are making a difference.” Bill Donner

A second shipment left here in December and is expected to arrive at the YWAM base in February.

Rich Murtland and Charles Thornburg loading first pallet to PNG in 1992The very first crate of supplies was sent by HoHNW to Papua New Guinea. As we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary since incorporation in 1996, it is fitting that we send them a shipment again this year. We are also in the planning stages of sending a container of supplies to the Nazarene hospital in Kudjip, PNG.

We’d like to thank all of you who have helped with all the shipments to PNG over the years. It’s a milestone to celebrate!

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