Shipment Updates

Guatemala—On August 8th, we sent Crisis Care Kits, wheelchairs, and crutches to help those displaced by the volcanic eruptions in June. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries arranged and paid for this shipment. We also sent a 40-foot container in July to Guatemala for the Asociación Transiciones de Personas con Discapacidad de La Antigua (Transitions). Transitions provides housing, jobs, and services for the disabled.

India—Last December, we sent a shipment to an orphanage in Kerala State for disabled children run by Sathyam Ministries and C.V. Vadavana, featured here with his family. We received news this week from C.V. that the shipment is being held up by India’s government pending review and approval of the items shipped. We need your prayers to ensure this shipment is released soon and for those affected by massive flooding there.

Israel/Syria—The Syrian government now has control of southern Syria. Our first shipment to the area was used in 15 field hospitals on the Israel/Syrian border for Syrians fleeing conflict. From the news we are receiving, these displaced Syrians are now moving north. Orient for Human Relief is one of our partners in Syria. They operated hospitals in the south and continue to work in the north. We are currently reapplying for a license through the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security to ship to northern Syria. Our first partner for Syria, Micah Smith of Global Gateway Network, said, “God must be positioning this shipment for maximum effect. Please join me in prayer and understanding that this delay is not a denial. I am confident that we will succeed.”

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