September 2014 Highlights: Sierra Leone / Mexico

Sierra Leone: Note from Director (after we sent two pallets)
“Many thanks for the offer of a medical supplies shipment which we desperately need. Kindly ship as soon as possible, we need help urgently. As I write we have just lost another staff at the Magbenteh Community Hospital, a total of 6 staff and 3 of their relatives in the past four weeks. We need medical supplies for two medical facilities with 200 beds at Magbenteh and 50 beds at City Garden Clinic here in Makeni.

We have been the major health providers and now the hardest hit by Ebola on our staff. I am also responsible for my constituency as a member of parliament. We have 13 medical facilities at community level and one hospital with a population over 120,000. These communities live in abject poverty, poor farmers with no other source of income. Ebola is destroying our very existence, lives are stagnated, the economy is shattered, the government is overburdened and people are left helpless. My very existence depends on my friends abroad and I am indebted to my people as their only hope. All I could do is to pray to our loving father for mercy and provision and to ask friends like you to help us. We need your help urgently.” – Doctor ABD, Magbenteh Hospital
Wings of the Eagle Medical Clinic, Mexico

“Dear Hands of Hope Board, We here at the Wings of the Eagle (WOE) Medical Clinic in Baja California, Mexico, want to let you know that the wonderful and numerous medical supplies that you recently sent down have been received. Thank you so much for all you do on behalf of the people we serve here. Our medical ministry has alleviated needless suffering for many indigenous peoples here and we can only do so thru donors such as HOH…It also serves as a wonderful evangelistic tool to bring more people to the Kingdom of our Lord. Thank you so very much. In Christ.” Detra Chambliss de Avila, On site Clinic Director