January Director’s Note
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from the staff and myself! 2019 is shaping up to be another busy year at HoHNW. Tickets are on sale for the Brunch for Hope on March 30th at the Boise Centre. By the time you read this, we hope to have event sponsors for the Brunch secured. If you or your business have an item to donate for the silent auction, please call Cheri at our office.
’Tis the season for mission trips. If you are planning a trip, and would like to take medical supplies with you, please request them here. The more lead time you can give us the better. Over $10,000 in medical supplies has been sent on mission trips already in 2019. If you are not in our area, shipping is available. Any questions, please call me.
We have several large shipments in the works with the next one heading to Nigeria. We are waiting for final confirmation from our partners on a loading date. Keep an eye on email/Facebook for details.
I’m happy to report that we served 1,008 local families through our Community Medical Equipment Loan program in 2018 for a value of $591,907.
Check out this 2018 Ministry Summary stats chart and view/print our 2018 Global Impact Report. Thanks to everyone for your support!
Year end tax receipt letters will be in the mail by February 1st. If you do not receive yours by February 8th, please call the office and we will be happy to send you a copy.
Todd Durbin, Executive Director