Diaper Roundup Update
The diapers have been pouring in since we announced last month that we needed them for a shipment to Ukraine. Even though we are sending one shipment on Tuesday, September 20, we still need more diapers, as we continue to work with several Christian organizations in that country. The special needs are great there, particularly with orphanages and homes for the disabled.
You can help by bringing new diapers for adults and children (all sizes) to our Ministry Center on 1201 S. Powerline, Nampa, 83686 during our open hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-2PM, or Tuesday evening, 6:30-8:30PM.
Our Board President challenged the Pathway Sunday School class at College Church to bring in 50 boxes of diapers. They were more than half way to their goal at the last count!
And Love INC of Treasure Valley dropped off two pallets of diapers without knowing we needed them! God knows what we need before we ask, and supplies our every needs. He can supply the needs of people in Ukraine, and He may choose you to make it happen.