Community Equipment Loans Making a Difference

Each month we loan an average of 150 pieces of home health equipment to patients in Southern Idaho. They may be recovering from surgery, have had an accident, or some other health issue. Perhaps they don’t have insurance or, as is the case with bath chairs, Medicare won’t pay for it. Even when they do pay for a very necessary item such as a wheelchair, the paperwork can take three weeks to be approved. We received this thank-you note from a grateful recipient.

“The walker and cane were an answer to prayer after having to stop work due to a three year medical condition that almost took my life. Thanks again, Cheryl”

June - wheelchair (2)Hands of Hope NW is making a difference in people’s lives by providing them with the medical equipment they need, regardless of ability to pay and without long waiting times. Thanks to a grant from St. Luke’s Community Foundation, we were able to purchase ten knee walkers  for the program this year. Knee walkers are very beneficial to patients who have had foot surgery or injuries.

If you need medical equipment, please call the office at 208-461-1473 to check on availability.


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