August 2014 Highlights: Philippines / Sierra Leone Ebola Campaign

Maternity help for Filipina Women
Three birthing centers in the Philippines are anxiously awaiting the container sent by Hands of Hope NW on July 24 and due to arrive on September 8. One of the centers was destroyed in the huge typhoon that occurred in 2013. Besides the medical equipment, so badly needed for treatments, mothers and babies will receive a bag containing baby clothes, a cloth diaper, a receiving blanket, and a hat. Please pray for this shipment as it travels the ocean and makes its way through customs.
KTVB Channel 7 came on site to film the volunteers loading equipment and supplies. And five Fred Meyer volunteers helped out again. Those guys are great! This shipment is the result of our May 1 Open House/Idaho Gives Day.
Fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone

On July 31 we received a request to send protective supplies for a shipment to Sierra Leone to help with the Ebola virus outbreak.
On August 5 we sent two pallets of 17,280 N95 masks, 1,325 surgical gloves, and 21 hooded coveralls. The masks alone are worth $31,662. Local TV stations focused on how we were helping in a crisis.
Fight Ebola Campaign
Help us send a full container shipment of protective supplies to Sierra Leone. The cost is $16,200. The quicker we reach our goal, the sooner we can help save lives. Ask your friends to give $1 and share the link with their friends. (Click the red button.) Thank you for your support.