April 2017 Director’s Note
A few years ago I read a book called, The Hole in our Gospel, by Richard Stearns. He is the President of World Vision now, but there was a time in his life when he was unemployed and feeling very helpless. In the book he says that he learned some simple truths during this time. “Why did God make me? The answer? To love, serve, and obey Him. No matter where I was or what my circumstances were, I was made to love, serve, and obey God. I could do all three whether unemployed or as a CEO—my situation didn’t matter. When I was eventually offered a job, I took that
lesson with me and began each day asking, how can I love, serve, and obey God today, in this place with these people?”
How have you loved, served, and obeyed God today?
We have an exciting new job opening for a Development Program Director. Find out more here.
Idaho Gives Day is on May 4th and we will be sending a shipment of medical equipment and supplies to Moldova and will also be helping an orphan project. Find out more here.