Double your Impact with a $25K Match Grant


To date, more than $19,550 has been given by supporters and doubled by the Thomas Foundation $25K Match Grant. Thank you to all who have helped us raise 78% of our goal. If you wish to make a donation that will be doubled by the Thomas Foundation, it’s not too late! Just write “Matching” on your check or choose the Match Fund when donating online.


Dr. Andy treating club foot (2)Your gift can help a child get medical treatment and put a smile on a mother’s face.

The Thomas Foundation in Boise offered us a $25,000 matching grant for shipping and the related expenses. There are many worthy ministries that would like to receive a shipment, but don’t have the ability to raise the $7,000-15,000 needed for shipping. With these funds, we plan to start by sending a shipment to the Ukraine where many hospitals have limited equipment, and the Philippines, where we’ve helped numerous birthing clinics in the past.


Will you give to help us reach our $25K Match Fund goal? You can donate online, mail in a check marked “Matching,” or Text your gift to: 41444  Message: SHIPMENTS.

Your gift helps restore health and mobility, and save lives!


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