Shipment to Ukraine – March 2023

March 20, 2023: Another shipment to Ukraine is on its way! Thank you to everyone that donated, packed, and loaded the medical supplies and equipment. In rain, snow, or shine, these wonderful people get the job done.

Crisis Care Kits for Earthquake Survivors

March 15, 2023: Yesterday, we sent a truck load of Crisis Care Kits to the survivors of the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. These kits contain daily essential hygiene care items. Thank you to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries for working with us to distribute these kits.

Thank you letter from Kherson, Ukraine

March 1, 2023: We recently received this letter from the Kherson City Clinical Hospital in Ukraine and wanted to share the thanks with all of you. Your donations go so much further than you may realize. They are especially grateful for our help during wartime. “It gives us faith in the future, the victory of good over evil, and changes…