Shipment to Ukraine – January 2023

January 27, 2023: We shipped two 53-foot trucks yesterday with over $1 million worth of medical supplies and equipment bound for Ukraine. Thank you to ALL of our volunteers that sorted, stacked, and loaded it all! Your work is valued, appreciated, and needed all in the service of God.

1st shipment of 2023 Goes to Syria

The 1st shipment of 2023 is on its way to Syria today! Over $320k worth of medical equipment and supplies was loaded into the truck. This shipment was made possible by a special fundraiser and the kind-hearted donations of individual supporters.

Visit from Filipinos We Helped

Early in 2019, we shipped a container of medical supplies and equipment that opened up a health clinic in the Philippines. These volunteers came to us to share the good news of what that shipment has done for the Filipinos all over the country. Check out their newsletter to us!