Shipment arrives in Moldova

More wonderful news! Todd received this message from Mark in Moldova,”Hi Todd, attached are the pictures of the product being distributed in one of the hospitals of Moldova. Thank you so much for this great donation!”The shipment arrived on September 24 and Mark has asked for another shipment to be sent as soon as possible as the need is great…

Shipment to Papua New Guinea

Never a dull moment at Hands of Hope! Mark, our Facilities Manager, helped Tom Bradley load the first batch of medical supplies today bound for the Nazarene hospital in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Tom transports the items to Medford, Oregon, where they will be loaded into a shipping container. We can usually fit around 8 pallets of medical supplies in…

Kenya Shipment arrives in Magumu

Praise God! Exciting news! After many challenges, the Kenya shipment has arrived and been unloaded! It will equip the new Magumu Mercy Medical Clinic built by Expansion International. Thanks to all of you who raised funds for this shipment at our Brunch for Hope. You have helped countless people get medical care and a brighter future.