Future Shipment to India

A few weeks ago, Brother C.V. Vadanana from India came for a visit. He found Hands of Hope NW via our website and wanted to see how we could partner. Brother C.V. and his wife operate a school for mentally and physically disabled children. They also work with many others in their community and throughout the country. Sathyam Ministries also includes a seminary, orphanages,…

New Office Assistant: Cheri Taron

We are happy to welcome Cheri Taron as our new Office Assistant. Cheri will be working with the office volunteers who loan medical equipment. On Sundays you will find Cheri at Caldwell Christian Church in her other role as Director of Children’s Ministry. She has been married to Chris for sixteen years and is the mother of two boys, ages nine and thirteen. Cheri enjoys many types…

Uganda: Amani Children’s Choir Thank You

We had quite a surprise recently when twenty members of the Amani Children’s Choir visited our office. They came to say “thank you” for the medical supplies we had donated for a clinic held in Uganda. We had filled six suitcases for the team of doctors who went to the clinic. The kids sang two songs for us. What a treat that was! You can hear the children singing…

Director’s Note – September 2017

I am a member of the Nampa Lions Club. Their emphasis is on health, so it was a good fit for me. Something happened recently that reminded of how important it is to work together to make our community a better place. Our speaker represented the Community Council of Idaho, which is building a new Community Family Clinic in Twin Falls. After the meeting I told her that Hands of…

New Parking Lot – Donations Needed

Sometimes blessings come with a few challenges….Like the NEED for a bigger parking lot! We have been blessed with an Annex building for offices and program space. But we can’t use it yet due to access issues (parking lot with ADA accessibility).  We have been blessed with dedicated volunteers. But we don’t have enough parking for them all (especially during snowy…

Crisis Care Kits for Hurricane Relief

Sept 1st, 2017: “We have been mobilized to send 1800 Crisis Care Kits to the Houston area after Hurricane Harvey caused so much devastation. In addition, 31 hand-made quilts made and donated by members of the First Church of the Nazarene will be sent as well. This shipment will leave our distribution center this afternoon. Prayers that our support will ease…