Haiti: Ja has a Walker

This adorable 7-year-old Haitian boy was not able to walk without support. Ja was crawling through the dirt until he received this pediatric walker. A missionary with Fire Missions, Rachael Bramble, asked us to send him one and she paid for the shipping. The result—priceless!

Christian Living Magazine Cover Story

The July/August issue of Christian Living Magazine is out now around southern Idaho. Hands of Hope NW is the featured story on Pages 16 and 17, with a cover photo of Sharon Griffith and Debbie Wheeler. Pray that many more people in Idaho will learn about our vital ministry through this magazine. Copies are available at local stores with the free…

Ukraine 2nd Shipment

For the second time this year we sent a shipment to Ukraine. This region of the world has suffered war and unrest for several years. Refugees from the eastern part of the country are fleeing to other regions to escape the fighting. Christian organizations that are helping these refugees lack the life-changing resources they need to assist them. Thirty-two wheelchairs…

July Director’s Note – 20th Anniversary Concert

On August 5th we celebrate an important milestone—twenty years since we incorporated. I hope you and your friends will join us for an exciting evening with Gordon Mote in concert. Gordon is a nationally known pianist and vocalist who has performed with many well-known artists, such as the Gaither Vocal Band. He performs in places like Branson and the Grand…