Philippines: Crisis Care Kits / Infant’s life saved

Crisis Care kits for PhilippinesShipment of Crisis Care Kits goes to the Philippines

A container full of Crisis Care Kits was loaded on the truck and sent out in March. There is flooding caused by typhoons every year somewhere in this nation of 7,000 islands, so it is great to have them positioned in country ahead of time. The value of these Crisis Care Kits is $231,956! These kits are made by members of the Church of the Nazarene and are collected from the western states. Each kit contains personal items such as toothbrushes, soap, comb, shampoo, and a hand towel so that families who must leave their home in a hurry during a disaster will have some supplies.Crisis Care kits for Philippines 2

Infant’s Life Saved by Supplies Sent by HOHNW

Last year for Idaho Gives Day we sent a container of supplies to three birthing centers in the Philippines. We just heard how one infant’s life was saved by what was sent. This baby girl was born just a few days before the shipment arrived with a rare condition that caused her not to be able to suck.  When Todd Aebischer was informed about the baby’s condition, he told the nurse to look in the boxes of supplies as there could be something to help. Sure enough, there were five special bottles that are designed just for an infant with this problem!


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