May Director’s Note

I am reading Giving It All Away… And Getting It All Back Again, by David Green, the founder of Hobby Lobby stores. He says that “the largest givers in our history, the World War II generation, are heading for death or retirement.” He is determined to pass on a generous heart to his children and grandchildren.
It really blessed me recently when I was ringing the bell for the Salvation Army (yes, in May). Many young parents gave their children money to put in the kettle. All this makes me more determined to consider what I can do to pass on a generous heart to the next generation!

Lately, I have been traveling to present the ministry of Hands of Hope NW to Nazarenes in the Pacific Northwest. First, I was in Tumwater for the Washington Pacific District Assembly, and then in Salem, Oregon at the Nazarene Missions International Convention. The speakers were great at both conventions and I was able to tell many more people about the ministry of Hands of Hope NW!
We had a good turn-out on Idaho Gives Day. It’s not too late to help us reach our $15,000 for a Moldova shipment. We have a way to go and also need school supplies for Moldovan ophans. Read report below.