Brunch for Hope Event Registration

This is your chance to help make a dream come true for the people of Kenya!
Hands of Hope NW will present Brunch for Hope at the Boise Centre on Saturday, March 30th, to raise funds for medical shipments to two clinics in Kenya, and for future shipments to other medical clinics worldwide. The Kenyan clinics are a project of Expansion International (Eagle), in collaboration with Genesis World Mission (Garden City).
Hands of Hope equipped the first clinic in Ndumberi in 2007 and will be refurbishing it with a shipment of medical equipment and supplies, and equipping a brand new clinic that is under construction, due to open in July. The new clinic in Magumu will serve a population of 33,000 currently without adequate healthcare.

Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Steven Roser, a Boise orthopedic surgeon, two-time medical mission team participant to Kenya, and friend of Expansion International. Guests will enjoy a delicious meal, auction, keynote speaker, and report from Hands of Hope NW.
Silent Auction: 10:00 am, Brunch: 11:00 am.
Tickets: $60 per person
Tickets must be purchased in advance by March 18th.
Call the office at 208-461-1473 to sponsor the event or purchase tickets. Please indicate whether you would like the tickets mailed or picked up at will call, and specify any dietary restrictions. Or you can do this securely online and indicate these details in the "Comments" field.
Purchase Tickets/Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship levels: (Deadline for sponsorship: January 31st)
Presenting Sponsor: $2,000 (company recognition, 3 minute presentation, 4 complimentary tickets)
Hope Sponsor: $1,000 (company recognition and 2 complimentary tickets)
Hope Partner: $500 (company recognition)
If you are unable to attend, please consider giving a donation. Thank you for your support!